Don't worry it's totally normal to feel stuck with what to write in your journal. It doesn’t come as easy to many people, so don’t feel silly if you haven’t a clue what to write.

Using journal prompts is a great way to overcome this, and help you get into the swing of things.
Use these journal prompts to help you write in your journal, and with a bit of practice, patience, and time, the pages should start flowing!
It's such a great way to try to understand more about why and when you emotional / binge eat, so that you can learn to overcome this.
Emotional Eating & Binge Eating
What emotions do I feel when I think about food?
What reasons cause me to eat besides hunger?
How have my thoughts about food changed in the last 6 days?
What food rules have I created or followed in the past that make it difficult to eat mindfully?
What lies do I tell myself to allow that binge or bite I shouldn’t take?
What circumstances shorten the window between a trigger (seeing food) and a response (eating it)?
What are some dieting beliefs worth challenging?
What are some non-hunger reasons I eat?
What will I be deprived of if I deprive myself of a binge?
Describe my comfort food. Why does it bring me comfort?
What is my immediate response when I eat something unhealthy?
What food do I love that loves me back?
What circumstances do I find myself in that encourages mindless eating?
What excuses do I tell myself that cause me not to eat mindfully?
What brings me pleasure in mindful eating? What activities not related to food bring me pleasure and joy?
Top tips? ❤️
Have you got any extra top tips that you have found helpful? Share your secrets below and let's all help each other!
Or just drop me a comment and let me know if these prompts helped you.
Rosie ❤️